Perlis is getting colder
thank God
after the tornado incident
the weather is getting great
although it is cold
just have to praise Allah S.W.T.
for the change of the weather
seriously, it is really hot during normal times
everyday will be a rainy day
until the water level rises
i constantly keep myself wrap up
starts to feel like Paris

study coming on slow
yeah tomorrow is everything
tomorrow is the FIRST paper, LANGUAGE DESCRIPTION
tomorrow we get our ALLOWANCES
tomorrow is the STARTING OF A NEW MONTH
and the DAY after TOMORROW i'm heading home with my brother and Baby Abon(hehe cute eh the name just like her)
everything the FUN things gonna start next month
but next month is starting with EXAM
wish me luck, guys.
and btw, thanks who those read my blog
now it had achieved the 10071++ readers
but i'm just wondering who read my blogs anyway apart the one who FOLLOW and MY FRIENDS
but whatever, thanks alot~!
love ya, guys~!
photo:Suicide Ally

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