The Board of Directors of Leo Club of IPG Kampus Perlis
after the celebrities leave the hall
i ran out cause i need water
my water was in AlexT0
as i was coming down the stairs , i see they didn't leave yet
so, i just 'tegur' them on cam whoring again ka?
and ZZ answer no, and i was like "well, whatever u say"
their Innova was parked next to AlexT0
and suddenly GK said that we are going to Anjung Keli, cause all the BOD and Alan, ZZ, Baki, Zenny, The photographer, Lion Shawn Lee and also the fellow Leos of Geargetown are going to eat there!
boleh lepaking with them!!
dlam kreta pun blh bye2 each other lagi haha
and follow je kreta diorg and we masuk anjung keli diorng g mane ntah
ececeh let describe to u,
the fellow celebrities all come out of the car wearing sunglasses
and i said to ZZ "menyesal plak x bawa sunglasses dlm kreta, kalau x blh boria hehe"
so semua pun berpusu2 masuk anjung keli
rupenye dah ade yg book tempat huhu
so, mata kami melilau mencari tempat duduk
masuk2 je ZZ tanye kat aku "slalu ke dtg sini mkn?"
"nope, this is my first time"
i know kindda lame right
tapi serious la, penuh gila tempat ni rasa malas nak g mkn kat sini
so, ingatkan nak mkn kat kiosk kedai chicken rice sebelah so, pegi sebelah plak
tetibe aku menyuarakan yg aku x ley makan ayam kat situ, cuz allergic
pastu GK kate ignore her
Alan pun tanye nape aku x ley mkn, aku just jawab ignore me, u are the guest
ade satu meja kosong
semua mcm "hoh! meja kosong"
and something happen
ZZ lompat pepasu bunye yg tinggi2
tu and berlari mendapatkan meja
utk seketika semua x mengenali ZZ
Baki kat blakang aku mase tu, aku ingat ayat die
"astgafirrullah(xtau eja weh, tlg betulkan~ huhu) Azizi, ko tu penyanyi hahah "
so, thanks to ZZ la, kami ade meja
and aku, GK, Alez, ZZ n Zenny duk kat meja dulu while yg lain amik mknn
so, sambung sembang
mase ni ZZ dah nampk cam comfortable ngan kitaorg
dah mcm kawa la aku anggap semue
mase Baki sampai lepas amik mknn
blh plak ZZ bercerita tentang aku yg x pernah mkn kat sini
aku kate"ok, go on tell the whole world"
mase amik mknn, sume amik nasi setengah
aku terpaksa lari adari diet aku huhu
then amik pergedel!
sedap!! favourite!!! same gak ZZ
aiyo mengapa sama~~~~
sambil mkn sume pun sembang2
and selesai mkn dyi en serta BOD yg lain serta Lion Shawn n Leos Georgetown
sampai bersama cake
so kami nyanyi utk Kai Fong
aku kate la ade twin kat sini
terus tanye sape2??
so, ZZ pun dpt birthday celebration w Kai Fong
mase nak part tu kiotrg bye2
salam2 say thank u sume
mase nak g aku buat love sign utk sume diorg n ZZ balas !!
p/s: sorry la asyik cite pasal Azizi je ek??
cuz ngan die je ngan aku paling blh ngan ngam sebab same umur
sebenarnye bnyk ag yg kitaorg sembangkan
i ran out cause i need water
my water was in AlexT0
as i was coming down the stairs , i see they didn't leave yet
so, i just 'tegur' them on cam whoring again ka?
and ZZ answer no, and i was like "well, whatever u say"
their Innova was parked next to AlexT0
and suddenly GK said that we are going to Anjung Keli, cause all the BOD and Alan, ZZ, Baki, Zenny, The photographer, Lion Shawn Lee and also the fellow Leos of Geargetown are going to eat there!
boleh lepaking with them!!
dlam kreta pun blh bye2 each other lagi haha
and follow je kreta diorg and we masuk anjung keli diorng g mane ntah
ececeh let describe to u,
the fellow celebrities all come out of the car wearing sunglasses
and i said to ZZ "menyesal plak x bawa sunglasses dlm kreta, kalau x blh boria hehe"
so semua pun berpusu2 masuk anjung keli
rupenye dah ade yg book tempat huhu
so, mata kami melilau mencari tempat duduk
masuk2 je ZZ tanye kat aku "slalu ke dtg sini mkn?"
"nope, this is my first time"
i know kindda lame right
tapi serious la, penuh gila tempat ni rasa malas nak g mkn kat sini
so, ingatkan nak mkn kat kiosk kedai chicken rice sebelah so, pegi sebelah plak
tetibe aku menyuarakan yg aku x ley makan ayam kat situ, cuz allergic
pastu GK kate ignore her
Alan pun tanye nape aku x ley mkn, aku just jawab ignore me, u are the guest
ade satu meja kosong
semua mcm "hoh! meja kosong"
and something happen
ZZ lompat pepasu bunye yg tinggi2
tu and berlari mendapatkan meja
utk seketika semua x mengenali ZZ
Baki kat blakang aku mase tu, aku ingat ayat die
"astgafirrullah(xtau eja weh, tlg betulkan~ huhu) Azizi, ko tu penyanyi hahah "
so, thanks to ZZ la, kami ade meja
and aku, GK, Alez, ZZ n Zenny duk kat meja dulu while yg lain amik mknn
so, sambung sembang
mase ni ZZ dah nampk cam comfortable ngan kitaorg
dah mcm kawa la aku anggap semue
mase Baki sampai lepas amik mknn
blh plak ZZ bercerita tentang aku yg x pernah mkn kat sini
aku kate"ok, go on tell the whole world"
mase amik mknn, sume amik nasi setengah
aku terpaksa lari adari diet aku huhu
then amik pergedel!
sedap!! favourite!!! same gak ZZ
aiyo mengapa sama~~~~
sambil mkn sume pun sembang2
and selesai mkn dyi en serta BOD yg lain serta Lion Shawn n Leos Georgetown
sampai bersama cake
so kami nyanyi utk Kai Fong
aku kate la ade twin kat sini
terus tanye sape2??
so, ZZ pun dpt birthday celebration w Kai Fong
mase nak part tu kiotrg bye2
salam2 say thank u sume
mase nak g aku buat love sign utk sume diorg n ZZ balas !!
p/s: sorry la asyik cite pasal Azizi je ek??
cuz ngan die je ngan aku paling blh ngan ngam sebab same umur
sebenarnye bnyk ag yg kitaorg sembangkan
hope to see all them again
because they all warm and friendly!
harap sume akan berjaya! ^^
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