i just woke up from my nap
if you wanna consider it as a nap
i slept at 11++ and woke up at 13.27
i dunno why, but i was kindda sleepy and i head the sheets!
and my brain is moving, not for studying silly!
updating blog of course
i'm gonna update my other blog later
(Metamorphosis Go Writing)
oh, yeah , thanks to my bro,he made me an American car plate
and had my acronym on it

the only thing it's Oklohoma, DUH!
and there's 'native america' written there~~ Red Indians?? hahah

and the timetable had change too!
Mr Kalaiselvan confirm take over DR. Chow's class
and to my surprise(and yes guys hope that our prayers really answered,) that Dr Rosdi still had our class

and can't really stand you know the lect before huhu
but actually he was alright
and it's official our assembly is on Thursday
and on monday we had full morning with Introduction to Linguistic
DUH (Timetable)
and yeah! I GUESS THE HOT SEASON(summer) is satelliting in already!!!!
brace urselves guys! fire is coming!! heheh

photo: Tumbler
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