let me start this post with my day
today, is monday!
weird huh? (actually memang weird cuz mane de assembly bile dah masuk Uni)
so, why? sebab pengarah kami sdr and bertimbang rasa
die kate takut bebudak yg balik weekend tu penat and they will not come for assembly
so, we are having it tomorrow
so, me and my lovely rum8 siap2 utk ke kelas pagi, pkl 8
then, my first class is Introduction to Linguistic!!
freak u! haha it's freaking putar belit subject
for me, i kindda like it, sebab it's history! the origin of English!
oh, i love it!

tapi sgt sedih sbb x prepare, huh! (ketuk pala sendiri)
later ngan klas en madi, bla bla bla
then rehat, mkn sandwich, kacau adik Fara buat laporan n tgk drama couple kelabu(adoi, jgn marahla x tgk pun sebenarnya) and dgr lagu
pastu klas BM
yes, guys, u heard it right Bahasa Melayu Class
then break time again and continue with Pengurusan Gerko class
and the moment me, geok cher and yna had been waiting for
getting our pas keselamatan from en Nizam
we wait like 45 minutes for him
while waiting en Fadzil come and go
E.T. smile at me!!! with a big and friendly and sweet (pada aku x sweet la) SMILE!!!
i was stunned!

and we wrote a letter each with hand on the spot, and we got our pas back
and he recgonized Beliau and he ask if he is the guy that he ask to look at his hair adoi!
i shud just say i dunno!! damn!

and as usual En N will ask me if i'm from Sg Petani and i will explain i'm from Perak and ask me about me wearing Hijab and tell the story about his wife hohoho
boleh plak mase nak kluar die tanye if me ade masalah lagi??

and die tau Kembara tu kreta sy!! ADOI!!

en madi ask me a favor going out with him
i drove him!! to a kuey tiaw stall, i dunno where, but i could go there
cool man! the cook could speak well english and something the vocab he uses is not in mine! DUH!
and the guy(i heard en Madi call him Barry-or something like that) guess my origins
well, he got it pretty close though
and the kuey tiaw is cool!

jom2 sape nak g sane! serius ni!
sebab the guy dah excited ajak mai lagi, so, moh la ramai2 ye hehe
and yeah, we talk about the project and i had some kind of layout, so, everybody! jom buat project ni sehabis baik!!!!
to en madi, thanks for the food and drink! that was my dinner!! hehe
and the guy was warm and easy to talk too :D
and now, dah kat bilik nak solat sat hehehe

p/s: eh, org2 dlm krete KBM tadi, adoi, hampa nmpk aku kluar tadi ahahhaha
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