Name : Nurul Liyana
Brother(s) : 1
Eye colour : dark brown
Shoe size : 6/7/8
Hair : dark brown
Piercings : 2
Height : 159 cm
What are you wearing right now : pajama
Where do you live : Sitiawan, Perak, Malaysia
Favourite number : 1/3/6/9 >> paling feveret: 9
Favourite drink : Ice Lemon Tea
Favourite month : March
Favourite breakfast : nasi lemak
-Have you ever-
- Broken a bone : not yet, and not planning to
- Been in a police car : nope
- Fallen for a friend : yup
- Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : yup
- Swam in the ocean : i can't swim
- Fallen asleep in school : of course!
- Broken someone's heart : yes
- Cried when someone died : yess
- Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : i think so~ (because i will sleep)
- Saved e-mails : Yes
- Been cheated on : dunno
- Your room look like : no bed ^^ (mcm bilik ALI dalam cite Kami)
- What is right beside you : the handphone and the headphone
- What is the last thing you ate : keropok, mak we goreng~! nyum nyum!
-Ever Had-
- Chicken pox : before i was 1 year old
- Sore throat : yeah
- Stitches : i can't remember
- Broken nose : nope
-Do You-
- Believe in love at first sight : maybe
- Like picnics? : yeah
- Who did you last yell at? : my bro
- Who was the last person you danced with? : my br0, we danced to MJ songs
- Who last made you smile? : Kim Hee Chul
-Final Questions-
- What are you listening to right now? : Super Junior 4th album(Bonamana), All My Heart+A Short Journey
- What did you do today? : adoring Super Junior especially Hee Chul
- Are you the oldest? : guilty as charge~
- Indoors or outdoors? : prefer indoors, but when the weather is splendid, why not?? ^^
-Today did you-
- Talk to someone you like? : yeah, my family members
- Kiss anyone? : Che Tu
- Sing? : yup
- Talk to an ex? : nope
- Miss someone ? : yeah~ :(
- Eat? : of coz
-Last person who-
- You talked to on the phone? : my auntie, DUH~! haha
- Made you cry? : that someone
- Went to the movies with? : my bro, we watched Harry Potter 7, part 1
- You went to the mall with? : with Yana Rahim! heheh
- Who cheered you up? : Hee Chul
-Have you-
- Been to Mexico? : nope
- Been to USA? : nope
- Have a crush on someone? : in this moment, could i call it a crush, cuz we are not together~ hahaha
- What books are you reading right now? : none
- Best feeling in the world? : being satisfied
- Future kids name? : Nurul Diyana?? hahaha.
- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : not stuff, but alive, Che Tu
- What's under your bed? : I DON'T HAVE A BED
- Favourite sport(s) : none, i think~
- Favourite place : my imagination
- Who do you really hate? : none
- Do you have a job? : maybe
- What time is it now? : 11.43 pm
Tag To:-
semua yg baru lepas baca ni
semua yg ade blog
semua follower
KECUALI yg dah jawab la

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