today let's share my dusty dear old lyric that i have wrote a LONG time ago
during this period
x pernah bercintun ag
so, terpikir utk buat ni
dolu2 rajin gak ar menulis
skarang susah plak
jom layan~!
Love is a feeling
That you can’t really
Form in words…
That what they say
They said wonderful things about love
Love is beautiful
Love is this and
Love is that
# Have you ever been loved before?
Can you tell me how is felt?
I dunno what is love
Cuz I’ve never been loved before
Sometimes people said
Love is something so dearly
It will hurt
Is it true?
How come something so beautiful will hurt?
I hope you can love me
I hope I can love you
And I can feel what is love
Learn what love truly means
ok x ok x??
copyright weh!
ni ayat2 aku jgn ade sape2 curik!!!
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