cuz atilia yang online..
kadang2 memang geram gak ngan atilia tuh..tapi nak wat cam mane dah die mmg degil..
jgn marah yek atilia...
hari ni nak kene hantar borang perjanjian.
tapi my salinan medical check up x disahkan agi...
maybe en.zul ley sahkan kot.
itulah kate2 Yana...
ikut jer lah..
itulah je lah satu2nye bende yg x siap ag..
and actually i had a new ic d.
but i think my old copy of ic can still be used here.
buat bodoh jgn bising ade ic baru sudah lah..
last night again we txt...
and i fell as sleep! like d usual.
that's the only thing i hate about txting someone at night!
haha silly me.
eh, aku tgh lipat kain nih..
malam tadi basuh gune washing machine ngan atilia..
and yeah! i'm going home today.
maybe my dad will come with d Kembara.
since my mum & bro is not following.
now, i have this new hobby that is reding peoples blog.
kind fun yarh.. and really enjoyed the one with me in it... hehe
maybe it's too a early to fall for some other guy, but i missed d new guy d.. huhu
hari ni ade class en. norasmadi,literature.
hope today's class enjoy lar...
maybe hari ni yang presentation tu kot....
x pe lar.. best gak... group aku x wat pape pun.. hehe
hah! class kat Dewan Pulai B! aku suka! aku suka!
i can sit with my 2 bestfriends! haha
im sooooo happy!
and elyas said he gonna come to class today.
i hope his sight is getting better.
Pity him lor..
but no worries today his going back d.
maybe i'll ask him to stay at his block and me n abah will fetch him there...
haha anak angkat my parents la kate kan...
ish nnt nak wat ar post tentang atilia ngan elyas...
best best... hahah kutuk2 skit.. puji2 skit cukup lah yek... hehe
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