Something Interesting to Look at

in my head

Thursday, May 20, 2010

21/05/10 Ache/Happy Teachers day

heartache leads to headache..
yeah, u did ruined last night.

i miss my school life.
form 5 to be exact.
when everything is surviving,,
i like it that way.
no wonder Peter Pan doesn't want to grow up.
being like those old days are much better, i guess.
i miss 5Sc 2.
being in 5 Sc 1, is just hell.
but i was really devastated, when i was announced i'm goin to be in 5 Sc2.
not that i dun like it...
more of my friends are there.
but because i was about to turun kelas.
and it was memalukan.
but i still manage to get 4 As.
still, if i WAS still in 5 Sc1, i think i just can be done with any As.
pn. Jackie, i miss u...
i just realize that i'm not a strong enough frog...
i wish i was still under ur guidance, as a tadpole..
calling us hehe
donkeys are better...
"trow ur As down the drain"
the first thing u said in form 4 class....
"open your eyes bigger! use your brains!"
i guess i didnt use this two quotes from u after i left the school.
well, now i have to use it again~
now im a tadpole under university level.
i know life is so much not easier.
pn Jackie, thanks for replying my sms the other day.
i ove n miss u teacher..
can i still go to ur class and learn life brief candle?
juno? the pearl? the necklace? guy de maupassant? or what the hell was the writer name is.
teacher, i still didn't bury or let my event manager ambition go down the drain...
it is still there, and i hope i will still make it happen one day.

everyone from my school life, ilove u guys.
i really do. and i miss u alot.
hope to see u all again.
nanato, yatito, ceroto, dylato., fanyto, azreento,nurulto, fiqato, gurshanto, renuto, hemato
basically 5 sc1 n 2
i cant think of all u guys now.
but still, miss u all.
for the first five names, a message..
remember where we used to have fun?
when we are all single, and life a wreck because of school?
but our personal life still go cracking...
pizza hut was a place to gossip! haha
our parents will send us...
hehe now, we drove ourselves~
well, thats funny...

now we are so grown up and have our own life.
but still, we try to meet up right.
looking forward to see u guys and relive the good old days.
where school work was just our problem.


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