ok, let me start with what i did today
i went to see the timbalan he is not there so tomorrow baru nak amik kertas kerja
then balik bilik terus tertdo and then gagah ape ntah
aku g go through kertas PBS n utk TSL 3102
wow, terdiam aku tgk
then tdo balik
bgn terus mandi cuz panas and buat instant mee sambil on9
tgh on9 tu, cousin aku si Nadiah ni bg video pasal super junior m
then ak x ley tgk n download lagu
alih2 die call aku and bagi dgr
serius sedap lagu baru SJm
pastu, kami tukar2 crita
ape2 pun, i never thought u will change and be like this girl
i'm liking you more
i thought mase u dah besar ni u akan jadi lain but u grow to be like other convent girls
well, i love you my dear cousin~!
love her, heart her
really looking forward to just hang out with you girl!
p/s: bulan 6!!! tolong~!!!
photo: A V E R A G E JANE blog(hanie hidayah)
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