hey guys!
today my class start at 11, again
what did i do to kill the time??
sleep of course~!
and then we had our first BM class
but well like wthook!
because the lect keep talking about BM and mcm nak buat kitorg rasa menyesal amik TESl
look, some what he says are not true~
but i could only say less
then first class mr kalai after one year~
and then pn, su class
and then i'm off to pasar malam((night market) with mirah, yana n geok cher
bnyk gak beli smalam
i bought, chicken chop, RM5, keropok lekor and some fried crab
but man the chicken chop do make me full,man!!
and i saw this one senior
well. one of the senior of asking me to wear hijab
man, what's her problem?
can she just smile or just ignore the eye contact
she had the disgust expression
but whatever, i dunno what her real problem, maybe her friend was telling something or she just saw something that disgust her(i hope is not me)
and at night, yana and kak ain(both my rum8's classmates) came and they laugh a lot and mostly for no reason
i was watching a movie but then turn to them instead. because they were super funny
maybe they one to participate in Ratu Lawak~
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