(terasa cam skola letak lencana haha)
versi pertama
Unseeen poem * Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening by Robert Frost but focus more on all of his poems to play safe la kan..hehe * Piano by D.H. Lawrence (IPG ipoh)
Short Stories the third and final continent also from my beloved IPG IPOH =p
MACBETH * the antagonist and protagonist of Macbeth *the relation between macbeth and lady macbeth (same je kn..) =p
TKAMB * give three characters that suit with the theme of the novel. *symbolism
1. Unseen poem ( highlight most on Robert Frost's poems) 2. Short stories ( The Kiss -IPG KB) 3. Macbeth
-Read at least summary of every scenes -Read on something about tyranny -Pay attention on relationship between Macbeth and the other characters.
4. To Kill A Mockingbird (read everything)
1. word classes 2. verbs+tenses 3. phrases+clauses 4. sentence patterns 5. sentence elements (SVA/SVO) 6. cohesive devices 7. reported speech
Read more about current issues
e.g.: Teenage pregnancy
nothing can be spotted right now, haha
these are some information i got from a friend in KDRI regarding the exam for LDES. format.
A-identify the word classes (just like mock exam) B-correct the error and give explanation (i want orange x i want AN orange: the article 'a' must be used for orange)
verbs and tenses: a- correct the error and give explanation (just like ME) b- fill in the blanks with correct tenses (eg. is moving - present continuous)
phrases and clauses: a- fill in the blanks with correct phrases (they ask noun phrase then we have to fill in noun phrase) b- identify dependent clauses ( give the type n explain the function)
cohesive devices: A- ana n cata references B- logical lexical n grammatical devices (all identify only)
sentence types and patterns: A- types (like ME) B- parse the sentence (identify the ,s, v, Oi, Od, C) C- construct sentences (they ask for svoc, we contruct)
reported speech change into reported speech, then give the rules
Here are some info that i got from my fren in IPDA...
untuk SS : 1) culture 2)communication 3)gender & society 4)environment
Untuk LDV 1) maybe argumentative or discursive essay..
untuk ES.. 1)unseen poem (25marks) 2)short stories (25marks) 3)drama (25 marks) 4)novel (25 marks) (tajuk tu x tahu plak utk short stories.
frm ipik
GROUP 1 1. Violence against the fairer sex has continuously persisted globally. 1.1 Discuss three types of violence inflicted upon them. 1.2 Suggest three ways to curb violence against them. 2. Domestic violence is a form of power abuse over the weaker sex. 2.1 Discuss three causes of domestic violence. 2.2 Suggest three ways of helping the victims. GROUP 2 3. The development of technology has brought numerous changes to our society. Discuss two positive changes and two negative changes that have impacted the lives of the people in our society. 4. Sociologists claim that modern technology has caused great impact on the enhancement and deterioration of the culture of a society. Discuss by providing three examples for the enhancement and three examples for thedeterioration of our culture. GROUP 3 5. Several familiar settings have a special importance to the socialisation process. One of them is schools. Discuss five positive effects of schools as an agent of socialisation. 6. Identify four agents of socialisation and with reference to them, discuss one way how each one influence individuals in a society. GROUP 4 7. Cities are regarded as the main generators of greenhouse gases. Discuss five ways to reduce greenhouse gases in the cities. Provide relevant answers to support your answer. 8. Global warming is a serious environmental issue. 8.1 Discuss four ways this issue impacts on people’s lives. 8.2 Explain how three specific human activities might have contributed to this issue.
Group 5 9. Women are often discriminated at the workplace. 9.1 Discuss three possible examples of discrimination women might experience. 9.2 Discuss four possible ways of addressing gender discrimination at the workplace. 9.3 Discuss four possible ways to raise the status of women at the workplace.
ipik and ip sarawak es tkamb: theme- the significance of the point of view of a child
for macbeth, potential questions ; theme of fair is foul and faul is fair, the witches.. tkam : mockingbird motif, tkam as a timeless novel, theme of bildungsroman poem: much ado about nothing by shakespeare
ss- baby dumping
thanks for the spotted quests...yes it does help...hahah.
it is the same goes for LDS n LDV but just ldv we focus on TEEN MOM, yet it still the same with teen pregnancy though...hheheh
SS we dont hve any spotted quest...
but for ES we do......
Unseeen poem
* Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening by Robert Frost but focus more on all of his poems to play safe la kan..hehe
* Piano by D.H. Lawrence (IPG ipoh)
Short Stories
the third and final continent also from my beloved IPG IPOH =p
* the antagonist and protagonist of Macbeth
*the relation between macbeth and lady macbeth (same je kn..) =p
* give three characters that suit with the theme of the novel.
1. Unseen poem ( highlight most on Robert Frost's poems)
2. Short stories ( The Kiss -IPG KB)
3. Macbeth
-Read at least summary of every scenes
-Read on something about tyranny
-Pay attention on relationship between Macbeth and the other characters.
4. To Kill A Mockingbird (read everything)
1. word classes
2. verbs+tenses
3. phrases+clauses
4. sentence patterns
5. sentence elements (SVA/SVO)
6. cohesive devices
7. reported speech
Read more about current issues
e.g.: Teenage pregnancy
---> gabungan drpd pelbgai sumber. gud luck.
spot soalan tuk 2013 xda ka? hehe