Something Interesting to Look at

in my head

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Did I Do Something Wrong?

yent0 is a freak? did i do something wrong?
because i didn't realize
i just can't get the fact that i'm freaking someone out
sorry to that someone i say
well, i never think that i do freak you out anyway

because everyone does the same
they say hey, hello, bye
and sometimes they say those things in the cyber world
for me, by using the internet is much more cheaper then texting or call
so, if you ask me, i like to communicate through internet

one could, call, chat, video call through there
much more bargain that using a phone but then again, now i realize that my middle name is Freak
yeah, to think about it, it's kindda cool
i love being a freak and i enjoy and always be a freak

SORRY for u that u be friend with me
i will try my very best not to communicate through the net with u
then again it seems that the internet@cyber world is getting further from me
blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comkindda odd, because I USED TO BE A FACEBOOK-FREAK
updating status on everything i do
updating status every second
upadting status when something pissed me off
not anymore, it has been 3 days since my last status update
and i can go furter


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